Joshua Solomon

Editor, Author

Joshua is a content curator for Pandora Recovery. His expertise involves taking intricate IT concepts and breaking them down into super easy to understand chunks. He’s been wielding the writing sword for quite some time now - 3 years to be precise. Digital marketing, data recovery, and anything “techy” are Joshua’s niches.

Profile Joshua SProfile Joshua S
Profile Joshua Solomon Joshua Solomon

Before you lose all hope: CF card data recovery is possible! Compact Flash (CF) cards, much like all...


Profile Joshua Solomon Joshua Solomon

Sometimes, while trying to access an external hard drive, you might encounter the, “The parameter is incorrect” error...


Profile Joshua Solomon Joshua Solomon

Folder structures are at the helm of file organization. This is especially true if you have stored files...


Profile Joshua Solomon Joshua Solomon

Videos are magical moments captured in motion. Regardless of the devices you use: a smartphone, DSLR camera, GoPro,...


Profile Joshua Solomon Joshua Solomon

Photographs are frozen moments of time, and it’s frustrating when they get deleted. Well, there is some light...